Little Phil's Blog

Bundles of Good Moments.
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What does charitable giving look like in a post COVID19 world

Written by
Josh Murchie
Business, Life and even Philanthropy as we know it, are going to change.
Not For Profits
For charities
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Why smart companies should reconsider their CSR strategy

Written by
Josh Murchie
Attract and retain workers with a solid CSR Strategy. After all, a happy worker is a good worker.
Corporate Social Responsibility
For companies
Workplace Giving
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How blockchain could change the future of disaster response teams

Written by
Ashleigh Lawrence
When disaster strikes, response teams need to work quickly to reduce deaths and damage to property and environment.
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One-third of people don’t trust charities

Written by
Ashleigh Lawrence
What can charities do to fix this?
Case Studies
For charities
Not For Profits
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Helping others releases the same hormones as sex

Written by
Ashleigh Lawrence
Most people would agree that we need a more compassionate world and science tells us that by helping others, we help ourselves.
For givers
Health & Wellbeing
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